I remember reading greg depalma was taped recorded twice talking about his induction in 1977. the first time was the night he got made he was on a taped phone talking to a associate in L.a. all geddy talking about him and 11 or counting himself 10 others. they were listening to his phone cause of the Westchester theatre scam. he was talking to some big time jew, surpirised he didn't get whacked for that infraction he must have been a big earner. then he got caught blabbing to some one when he was hanging with the fbi Garcia guy saying john was made the same nite as me. he got caught on tape with jurnior gotti too and gotti's wife. if 12 guys got made that nite big paul was there I think. they must have inducted 50 members into the gambinos in 77 and since big paul just took over it would be in his best interest to be there. he told gravano im your father now. Sammy the bull never said names of the other guys he got made with. he might have been the first batch. he said around or right after Christmas. if were to believe nino gaggis nephew of the meeting in November 1976 when big paul askd neil to stay on as his underboss at the grandmothers house, they must have started making guys the next month around xmis or new years.