Originally Posted By: HandsomeStevie
Very interesting. Would love to get my hands on stuff like that. And stanfa is in the picture as well? Also, was Rosario the higher up of the brothers? I always assumed John Gambino was the big man out of the brothers.

John Gambino was the boss of that particular crew and the american side of the pipeline but he never lived in NJ. Sal (Rosario) was the #1 zip in town back then. By that i mean the south jersey - philly area.....John was always in NY running the biz from there.

In the picture there are only 2 of the 3 Gambino brothers ...Rosario and John. Maybe Joe was working the camera and took the photo...i'm really not sure. There are a few other guys in the photo too. One i think is Erasmo Gambino and theres this one guy sitting next to Stanfa that nobody can figure out who he is but he's also in a photo taken at that infamous Bono wedding in NYC back in 1980. The wedding i refer to as Heroin INC.

Couple other guys too...one who might be the Gambinos father Tommaso but i'm just guessing on that one....really not sure. But he did live here at the time and Bruno said he was friends with him so theres a decent chance it is him.

It's really just a group shot of all of them having dinner together. Their wives were there too. Bruno's daughter talked about one of those dinners they all had back then in i think it was Philly Magazine. The writer wrote that Bruno's fate was sealed the moment the Gambino brothers came through his door. And he's probably right about that.

Just want to add that it's really a photocopy of the original photo but it's still clear enough to make out who was there.

Last edited by Giancarlo; 12/04/13 04:12 PM.