Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
I think in 5 years they should come back out with a new edge to the series. Maybe with a new boss and only one or two of the old characters left alive. And through that entire season they would explain what happened to Tony and the original crews of NJ and NY. Then the guys that were left could take the show in a new direction. There could be flashbacks of when Tony was in charge like they showed in a few episodes when tony would see the flash backs of his father. I think it would be a worthwhile discussion if the writing and acting would be up to par.

But the thing is: would it be interesting & good enough? As far as I know, the sequels are, in most cases, worse than first episodes. The only exceptions might be "The Godfater II".

However, I'd like to see this what you mentioned.

~ Franzese

"Is it better to be loved, or feared?"

"Mafia executions are never “just business”. That phrase is a complete lie. They are always personal; there is always emotion involved, which explains the irony and symbolism they use. You’re a snitch? Then they’ll cut off your tongue, or stick a canary in your mouth. You flipped off the wrong guy? You might not die, but you’ll get both your middle fingers severed off with a dull knife and have them mailed to your family residence."