Originally Posted By: Jimmy_Two_Times
I agree with everyone that it's the definitive Philly Mob book, the way I think the Sixth Family is the definitive book on the Montreal mob. Are there any other books people think are definitive for other mobs?

I have read the Sixth Family, but I heard there is an even more complete book, including the more recent events, called Mafia Inc.

For some other definitive mob books, I read:

1) "Nothing personal, just business" by Kenneth Dickson about the Licavoli mob in Toledo.

2) "Gangs of St Louis" by Daniel Waugh: the title says it all, but it covers only the period until the end of Prohibition. However, there is also a book by Tim Richards "Crooks Kill, Cops Lie" about the later period.

3) "Crimetown USA" by Allan May about organized crime in Youngstown.

There are many books about Boston, don't really know which could be called "definitive". Most are about Bulger, one entirely about Jerry Angiulo, another one all about Barboza etc.

By the way, is the book "Rogue Mobster" by Mark Silverman and Scott Deitche any good? I am interested because it seems to be the only book dedicated to the post-Patriarca period of the Providence mafia, but I read Mark Silverman isn't always reliable, for example he claims he is a non-Italian made member.

Does anyone know if there are books about the mafia in San Francisco or Los Angeles?

Willie Marfeo to Henry Tameleo:

1) "You people want a loaf of bread and you throw the crumbs back. Well, fuck you. I ain't closing down."

2) "Get out of here, old man. Go tell Raymond to go shit in his hat. We're not giving you anything."