Originally Posted By: baldo
Could you imagine if those putzes in Philly tried to take on the Cherry Hill Gambinos???? LOL.

It never got close to that point as far as i know. It was philly's turf and supposedly the Gambino's were given permission to sell their "merchandise" in philly's territory by Angelo Bruno who i would think got a piece of the profit. But from what i know of it they weren't supposed to get involved in traditional local mob rackets which the boss of philly controlled. AC might of been a different story though...i think most of the NY families had business there after the hit on Bruno. It was a pretty crazy time around here back then. The philly mob, the zips and the bikers were all at the peak of their power back then but by the end of the 1980's everyone was either dead or locked up and things really calmed down.

Long John Martorano was pretty close to the local zips. He lived in the same south jersey neighborhood that they did and his vending company handled all the vending at their local restaurants and pizza spots.

Last edited by Giancarlo; 12/02/13 03:32 PM.