Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
I don't really blame Vito Rizzuto for whacking Di Maulo since he initiated the whole massacre. But what about others? Just to make an example, what was the point of whacking Gaetan Gosselin? He was just an underling of Desjardins'. Even Desjardins himself can't take important decisions himself, not being Italian, so what exactly one of his underlings was guilty of in relation to the Rizzuto family massacre? Just to prove his point to Desjardins who is in prison? Don't know how Vito reasons, but I always thought "revenge" is directed at those who are 100% responsible for offenses towards you, killing people around them just to prove your point is crazy, even though I understand perfectly that crime bosses have always done that.

You speak as if you know all the details while you, just like the rest of us, only know 10%. You don't know Gosselin's history nor do you know Rizzuto's motives. In fact, we do not even know if Rizzuto was behind it in the first place.

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."