I'm definitely going to get both books soon.I was born and raised on the West Side of Buffalo and will surely enjoy reading them.Gangsters and Organized Crime in Buffalo(Rizzo)is decent,but doesn't focus solely on "The Arm",as we native Buffalonians call it.I did learn a few surprising things in it though----like reading about Pretty Boy Floyd hanging out in the apartment building that my father grew up in---and a few other previously unknown facts about my city.The only other book I have that gets into Cosa Nostra activities in Buffalo is Mob Nemesis by retired FBI agent Joe Griffin----it's so-so-.The Buffalo Police Department(of all things) actually has a decent,very detailed section on their website about the history of "The Arm" that I'd recommend to anyone interested in Buffalo Cosa Nostra history.

"A mook---what's a mook ?" Johnny Boy Civello