Vic Catroni was the boss of montreal and was very close with carmine galante in the 50s. the charts have him as a capo in the bonannos in the 50s. paul the fox volpe was a member of the maggadino family as was pops papalia. rocco perry went for a ride and was never seen again before my previous info. his wife they believe had a hand in it back during prohibition. I think her name was tess haha go figure. I have seen mob stories Canada they have good info on all these Canadian players. I cant find any on youtube outside of dominic racco of Toronto and frank catroni who did time in lewisberg with glante. it was said franks back up was in question when galante was hit in 79. he had a hitter who did 5 hits, got nailed and ratted. he wasn't Italian. im rambling and my memory is faltered due to late night drinks. real simard I think is the name of catronis driver and hitter.