Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: cheech
seen it first hand...a buddy of mine was on a half sheet...only went with them because he thought they would help collect..when a kid who owned a package store locally stiffed my friend for 5k my friend got threatened with coming up with it or else.......

That's the problem with the half-sheet. You can make a good buck, but you're responsible for the laydowns.

I agree since you are not putting up any cash. but as long you have other players , even if one guy stiffs you can come back. lets say he was in the black (meaning his players were losing) at half sheet. If he could get 2500 to give to the office then that would be chalked up as square. But each situation is different it depends the deal you have with the office. I have stories for days on the half sheets guys.... especially the young ones