Originally Posted By: cookcounty
let's see all of zimmermans alleged transgressions:

molested his little cousin
a baseless accusation that only came to light during the media circus labeled a trial which amounted to little more than another vain attempt at character assassination.

got into a fight with the police
the one where no charges were filed with regards to the scuffle with the off-duty officer who only identified himself after the fact?

threatened his wife & father in law with a gun
the incident where he also apparently punched the father-in law in the face yet wasn't even arrested?

pulled a fucking shotgun on his new girlfriend
at this point it's still only alleged, let's wait and see what evidence is presented in court.

killed an unarmed teenager........well he had skittles on him
the scummy thug who assaulted him with both witness testimony and well as physical evidence to match?

how many times does he have to prove that he's a worthless piece of shit before people believe him. this mothafucka ain't did a goddamn thing worth a damn in his life but america loves him and thinks he's misunderstood
yeah, america sure loves the guy, as has been shown with all of the "well wishers" that have offered the guy a movie, pizza, ice cream and a backrub to help relieve his stress!

i've read enough of your posts to know that you seem to be big on stereotypes, be it political, ecomonic, ect. the truth is, with every single one of your posts here, you give further credence to the stereotype of the uneducated black man incapable of independent thought who simply parrots whatever talking points are presented to him by his white liberal slave masters. the sad truth is that there are millions of clones like you out there, and many of them vote, very scary indeed! it's people like you with your dim perspective that really tarnish our country as a whole. to be fair, i guess it's hard to see it when people all around you will coddle you instead of calling you out on your shit, which to a stupid person might confuse them into thinking their arguments actually have some merit.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!