If you were in the administration of a family, whether it be boss, underboss or consigliere, would you take part in murders or just order them? Is there any examples of guys in top ranks taking part in hits themselves. I ask this because I'd assume most guys in top leadership positions wouldn't get their hands dirty themselves. They'd probably be 100 miles away from a hit they ordered, right?

Makes you think. Makes you think about the people in your life. And when I think, I think of Neil. If he were here now what would he say? He would say "John what's it about? What's life about... if you dont go through it as a man's man?". He'd say "Suck it up, take the fall do the time. That made you what you are. That makes you what you are. How long have we been around this thing of ours? This Cosa Nostra? 120 years. What's it about? It's about the rules, perimeters. You take the beating for a friend, you don't run, you don't lay down, you don't betray who you are. What you are.