Originally Posted By: strococs
Originally Posted By: Ivan
Originally Posted By: strococs

There are many people in Cleveland who kinda piggy backed the mob and made a ton of cash. Used the mob connections to build there companies in the 60's to present and now years later are either 100 percent legit or at the very least qausi legit.

RJP himself is basically legit now from what I've read. Of course that's just people talking on the internet, no idea if it's actually true.

The feds wanted him in 08. They needed to peel back the onion a few more times to get him.

I remember him getting mentioned in the DiMora case to about the extent that No Nose got mentioned in Family Secrets - sort of there in the background, and acknowledged as important, but there was not enough to tie him directly to the case.

I still think it's hilarious those two lived right across the street from each other. A helpful map:
