You know the AARP organization? You know the old fogey group? LOL Well they asked for "where were you" stories and I submitted mine. JFK's death really really hit me for some reason. I was only 11 when he ran and 15 when he was killed but will ALWAYS remember that day. frown It's kind of lengthy so read if you want.

I lived in Grand Rapids, MI on 11/22/63. I was in 10th grade, 5th period, Mrs. Bergstrom’s English class. Suddenly the PA system came on saying that the President was shot. Within minutes (it seemed) the famous Walter Conkrite announcement came on letting us know the President had died. I still see my teacher’s face with her chin cupped in her hands, taking a big sigh and seemingly fighting tears as she listened. I felt so shocked, so sad and couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I wanted to cry.

The school halls were eerily quiet as the school day ended and I headed to the school bus. The ride home was very quiet until one boy, who’s face is firmly in my mind (tho I’d have to check my yearbook for the name), was obviously NOT a JFK fan (I assume he learned from his parents).

He said loudly (and likely only to let everyone know he didn’t like JFK), “they should have shot him again, and again, and again.” I often wonder if this boy regrets or even remembers his remarks that day. Anyway, I was too sad, numb to say/do anything. I just wanted to go home an turn the tv on, and looking back on it now, what I wanted was to mourn the loss like everyone else. Let it soak in.

I spent the weekend glued to the tv listening to all the news and when they showed Jackie or pictures of the kids, I just cried in disbelief. It was like losing someone close in the family. I still remember my mom preparing Sunday dinner as we watched Oswald get killed on live tv. Oh my God, this was surely something unheard of. My whole family was stunned.

I felt totally numb & shocked the entire weekend, thru the funeral. I couldn’t believe this could actually happen, not in our country. I loved JFK. His wit, charm, intelligence made me a fan immediately even tho at that age, I didn’t know a lot about politics. HE got me interested. I remember watching the debates at 12 yrs old not totally understanding but I was drawn to them because of JFK.

On a side note, and a memory I am so grateful for, is, when JFK was running for President in 1960, he came to Grand Rapids, Mich. I was in Catholic School at the time and needless to say, the nuns/priest and students were pretty excited about the thought of the first Catholic President. So much so, that when they found out that JFK’s motorcade was going to pass the intersection of the school, the entire school (about 80 kids LOL) walked to the corner to wave.

He was sitting on top of the back seat of a convertible (little did we know) smiling/waving. Well, I wasn’t a big girl and I wormed my way to the front, in the street, and lo an behold I waved at him and of course it seemed he smiled and waved right back at me. A memory I’ll never forget.

"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon