Originally Posted By: Mussolini14
Was Moreno Gallo living in the open or was he in hiding or "gone to ground' so to speak? Surely he knew certain people were not pleased with him but does anyone know what security measures if any he took? Was it common knowledge he was living in Mexico?

Thank you for your time.

Daniel Renaud of La Presse reported back on June 18 of this year that a document submitted May 22 by Gallo's lawyers, in relation to Gallo's attempt to get back into Canada, indicated Gallo was now living in Mexico -- see http://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/justic...ir-au-pays.php.

If you read through all the articles published after Gallo was deported, you'll note the discrepancy about whether, after deportation, he went to Italy, he went to Italy and stayed a while before moving to Acapulco, or he immediately went to Acapulco.

Given 99.99% of us don't have the inside knowledge to be able to answer a question about when Gallo started living in Acapulco -- especially because most of us were under the impression he was living in Italy -- I would answer, no, it wasn't common knowledge he was living in Mexico.

Now, were there people in the Montreal underworld who knew before Renaud's June 18 article was published that Gallo was living in Acapulco? I would guess yes. If Toronto Star reporter Peter Edwards's recent reporting about a meeting last April in the Dominican Republic is accurate -- a meeting at which Vito Rizzuto, Moreno Gallo, and others were present -- then I would argue this meeting may lend further support to the claim that Montrealers knew of Gallo's whereabouts, in that knowing where Gallo was living may have been necessary to invite him to the meeting. I italicized "may" because Gallo or someone communicating on his behalf wouldn't have necessarily needed to disclose where Gallo was living.