Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I'm around sportsbooks all my life, and if a guy manages to stay independent, then good for him.

I have never understood why any sports book would want to become affiliated, unless of course coerced to pay up.

When they come knockin, their biggest selling point is, BY FAR, this line of bullshit: You come with us and you'll never have to worry about getting stiffed again because people will know you're with us and they'll fear you now.

Yeah, until you ask them to help you collect from some brokester who's not afraid to call the cops. Then they tell you it's not their problem. And if they ARE willing to help collect, it's always for a fifty-fifty split. At the very least wink.

seen it first hand...a buddy of mine was on a half sheet...only went with them because he thought they would help collect..when a kid who owned a package store locally stiffed my friend for 5k my friend got threatened with coming up with it or else.......

When Interpol?