"And the colored girls go.....doo-dee-doo-doo, deet-dee-dee-doo-dee-doo-doo......."

I remember when that song came out and 99% of population had no idea what it was about. Very simple tune just two chords, but genius in its simplicity.

Lou was a big H user for years. An earlier poster put up some of the lyrics to his tune "Heroin".

More than likely he got Hep C from a dirty rig.

I don't know how many of you will feel about this, but these guys (Crosby, Reed etc.) were millionaire performers. They could afford the very best medical treatments etc.

What about all the poor people out there who have liver disease in the family history and never shot dope in their life? Who looks out for these unfortunate souls, and who mourns these Mothers , Fathers, Sons.... when they die because they didn't have the millions to keep themselves alive while waiting for a liver?

I've spent many years around IV heroin users and almost every single one had Hep C which slowly destroys your liver. They have "self inflicted" problems.....

Just something to think about.
