Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
He's got a point SB. To some degree anyway.

It's easy to be liberal when you live in an all white suburbia and there's none of the "diversity" you call for. You know me, I'm pretty liberal when it comes to most things, but I'm also fair and I'm realistic. You don't know how many white Democrats I know who claim to be all gung ho for things like racial diversity but would call the cops in a heartbeat if they saw a young black boy walking through the neighborhood.

being a democrat doesn't mean that you're not racist

it just seems that way because most republicans(conservatives) are racist

so politics has turned into democrats (not racist) republicans (racist)

Ok seriously what kind of bullshit statement is that?

Apologies to the mods, but that literally was the most ignorant nonsensical thing that has ever come out of his mouth. Nothing to do with my previous comment and devoid of any intellectual sense

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone