Originally Posted By: Dellacroce
but like you said its all about how an associate is defined.

Law Enforcement seems to have a much looser definition of "associate" than I'm comfortable with. I remember talking about sports offices with Ivy awhile back. He seemed to be in agreement with the Feds that if you're a mob connected office laying off bets to an independent office, then that makes the independent office connected by extension. And I say that's bullshit.

I'm around sportsbooks all my life, and if a guy manages to stay independent, then good for him. You can't make the jump and call him connected just because half-a-wiseguy calls him at three minutes to one on Sunday afternoon to lay off the Packers. You can ruin a guy's life by hanging that label on him when it doesn't fit.

@Ivy: I'm not trying to wake up an old and tired argument. You know me better than that. I'm just using an old debate to make a point to Dellacroce smile.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.