Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: PolicyKing
Genovese took over the interest that Schultz had which was most of Harlem, but Bumpy and a few others remained independent of Mafia control. The Genovese however began to loose control more and more the Black racketeers starting paying less and less up to the Mafia in the 80's it was down to 1o percent and this was eventually phased out and under the threat of violence the Genovese were push out

Not sure where you're getting this revisionist history. Bumpy was not independent. He had to use the Mafia's numbers banks in order to avoid getting wiped out on a big winning number. And the Genovese pushed out under the threat of violence? Did you dream this or something?

Actually I didn't dream it and I read it first for a book in a sociology class I took and it mentioned that Blacks at the time were only paying 10 percent and there were indications that was even being phased out. The part out them pushing Genovese family out under the threat of violence came from a few other books written by either ex law enforcement or well noted writers of on the subject not revisionist writers. I wish I had my research in front of me to quote you page exact page, but check out African American Organized Crime a social history by Robert J Kelly for starters