Originally Posted By: Questadt
A very fair point. Of Michael's battle-hardened toughness, I have no doubt. But I guess my point speaks mostly to Michael's ability to manifest "the Don's touch", for want of a better term.

Consider that Vito was a master of intrigue & nuance. He had an uncanny sixth sense about when trouble was afoot, its nature & source, and what to do about it - all brought about by many years of experience, plus a good bit of natural talent. Because of that, Vito knew when a light touch would accomplish more than a heavy hand, though he was perfectly willing to play rough when he thought it expedient.

I'm not convinced that Michael possessed that "Don's touch". If anything, his instincts seemed to tell him to play rough by default. And his combat experience would only reinforce that tendency.

It's perfectly understandable, after all. Michael was never groomed for LCN life, as Sonny & Tom were. He had a knack for it, for sure. But as I say, I think he had to compensate for his lack of specific training...and he generally overdid it.

You're quite correct. Michael was a cold, calculating manipulator with zero personal charisma, whereas as Vito drew people to his side via the strength of his character. Michael was only able to accomplish this same feat through fear and intimidation. Not to say that Vito didn't use these same tactics when necessary, but with him it sort of seemed like a last resort, whereas for Michael it was his one and only tactic. Of course that was Michael's training via the battlefield where it's as black and white regarding friend and foe as you can get. With Vito it was always shades of grey.

The Michael of GF III is a much different man, and one clearly in the mold of the Vito of old.

Last edited by Iceman999; 11/16/13 09:40 AM.