Originally Posted By: mattsto
There has been lots of chatter about Gotti Jr. hanging out with Travolta do to that Gotti movie coming out next year. I am sure that has pissed a few people off... I don't buy the report of him breaking up a fight lol...

That movie will never get made. Ever. That press conference three years ago (with Travolta and that Lohan twat) was a desperate attempt by the producers to raise capital, and it didn't work. I posted as much then, and I stand by that claim now.

As far as the stabbing, I posted my thoughts about it yesterday. I think it was over something stupid, and I agree that Junior is out of the life. But just for the record, the Corozzos love that kid. And if he has a problem, he still has a place to go. I rarely say things like this, but trust me on that wink.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.