I was of draft age during the Viet Nam war. I knew 4 young men who died there. Many years ago I visited the Viet Nam memorial in Washington DC. A very emotional experience. I found the names of the four. Lt. Heinz Ahlmeyer was a friend of my older brother. Died early in the war; maybe 1964. His remains were not found (identified) until maybe 40 years later (2004). Lt Robert Bauer was the older brother of one of my high school friends. Tom Kernan lived in my neighborhood, but I didn't know him well. Paul LaFrieri (sp.) was in my sister's class in high school.

When you know someone who sacrificed their life for their country - no matter if you believe in the cause or not - it is a sobering thought.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12