Gee whiz,you mean to tell me that Junior Gotti might not have quit the Mob like he promised? I mean he practically pinky swore that he saw the light and didn't want to follow in Daddy,Uncle Doofus,and Uncle Scumbag's footsteps.No,not him,he would walk away from "the life" and just bake gingerbread men for sick children.

I mean,I am shocked and more than a little depressed that Junior somehow went bad . The Gottis devoted so much of their lives to the service of their fellow man,and stood as shining moral beacons.

I mean,John Sr.put quite a few guys in the ground,and flooded the area with heroin,but for Christ sakes,he put on a free fireworks show every Fourth of July. FREE,mind you.

I can only hope that Junior Gotti can get past this and that the public will stop hounding him and let him get back to his goal of making the world just a little bit better.