Originally Posted By: MichaelMussino
Originally Posted By: Dellacroce
Originally Posted By: LittleMan
Often, new mob inductees need to commit a murder before getting straightened out.

Innocent men also get whacked by the mob. It could be a union official that won't cooperate with demands from the mob. Or a sanitation operator that won't play along with bid rigging. Or somebody might be in a position to potentially hurt a mobster in an upcoming trial. Sometimes, a mobster could be in competition over a woman. Many times, a murder entails someone getting double crossed.

I believe the bottom line for both gangs and the mob is they need to kill who they are ordered to kill. Their personal opinion on whether or not the victim deserves to die is not taken into consideration.

Ralph Dols is a good example of this, law enforcement is supposed to be off limits, but Cacace had him killed for marrying his ex wife. I guess it would be different if Dols was dirty or even if he was having an affair with her while she was married, all the guy did was marry the wrong women.

Yes but all those people whacked were associates or involved With The mob in some way. Gangs right now are ordered to shut off Their lights and shoot The first person Who flashes Their brights at Their CAR. The mob doesnt play those ignorant games With civilians.

Thats an urban legend, gangs dont really do that.