Originally Posted By: Faithful1
It's hard to tell which words came from Wolf and which came from Joseph DiMona, the writer. Can more easily see DiMona adding the "boss of bosses" phrase more than Wolf. I think it's very possible the story happened, just that the date was off by a year or two. For people writing many years after the event it's very common. After all, how many of us can remember what we ate for breakfast yesterday?

I think the story, or a version of it, happened too. There was some kind of reconciliation between the two of them just like it says in the document you posted. But Wolf´s part in this reconciliation (and of course this is just my opinion) may have been embellished and/or enlarged to make the book sell better. If he´s wrong on the year of when he set up the meeting between the two of them, there is a possibility he is wrong on other stuff in the story as well.

smile I just like to comment shortly on the memory thing. It is easier to remember a big event that happened, let´s say, ten years ago than what you had for dinner a week ago. Because dinners are a daily occurence. It´s a daily, natural routine. Big events like the one in this case, setting up a reconciliation meeting between two of the most powerful mobsters in US history, is not.

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