Originally Posted By: LittleMan
Info was seemingly so unreliable back then, they couldn't even agree on who the dons were. Some thought it was Galante, others thought Bonanno....when it was really Rastelli. Ditto with Castellano and Dellacroce.

And again with the boss of bosses stuff....the media was waiting for someone to "consolidate the five families", lol. Can I assume that shortly afterward, the media crowned Castellano the boss of bosses? I know he wasn't, but there was both a book and a movie by that name.

I thought by 78 it was pretty well known that Paul took over the family from Gambino but it sure seems that some guys still thought it was Dellacroce. The NYPD seems to be the ones that got it wrong.

The part on Galante if true is funny. That guy walked out of prison and basically declared himself the top guy. He dared the others to stop him...which they finally did in 79.