Originally Posted By: LittleMan
Originally Posted By: Giancarlo

One article said there was a debate going between law enforcement who was the most powerful mob guy in the country and some thought it was Joe Bonanno while others said Frank Tieri. Still others insisted it was Neil while others said it was Paul. It sounds like it was pretty confusing.

This is why the previous articles posted in this thread might have been written incorrectly, but honestly. Back then, the intel was much harder to come by. For example, whoever thought Joe Bonanno was the strongest mobster back in '78 was way off.

Looks like it was the NYPD who thought Bonanno was the top guy. Heres the part where Bonanno is mentioned. The article is dated Aug 6, 1978.

Sounds like Galante before his parole was violated tried to get the commission to back him as boss of bosses. lol...that guy had balls.

Last edited by Giancarlo; 11/08/13 01:31 PM.