Originally Posted By: TottiNotGotti
Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
If you are an Irish Republican, This is a sad day for any person that has Irish in their blood. It's people like you that want to hold hands around the bond fire and touch your buddies where they pee.

You are the reason the movement has stalemated. Grow a pair, and until the day you do so, your an Irish Liberal, I'll call you Obama from now on. You don't like it? Then pick up a weapon and choose sides, before the real supporters pick one for you.

Tell me this, have you ever even been to Ireland?

There is no appetite for war. There is no possibility of running a war. No possibility of winning a war. Irish men and women aren't going to pick up weapons and start killing and being killed on the say so of some real crime obsessed Yankee without the first clue about Republicans or Republicanism.

Anyone who has an understanding of Republicanism would identify the strain to which I belong - conservative Catholic Republican, anti-Treaty, anti-GFA, dis-satisfied, disillusioned but ultimately acceptant that there is no justification for or possibility of war at this time.

For you to identify that as 'liberal Irish' only marks you out as an ignorant fool talking through his hole.

What an exhibition you are making of yourself!

Yes I have been to Ireland, I have been eight times if it suits you. I have extended family in Hollymount, which is a damn small rural place. Where exactly are you from?

And another thing, Your the only one with this live and let live attitude because you are from the younger generation that has never experienced the hardships or had a reason to fight. Any true Irishman knows that there will NEVER be a united Ireland as long as England has a presence. No one in my family from Ireland would be as passive as you are. They put on a peaceful front, but the blood underneath boils at the atrocities committed by the English!

You claim to be anti-treaty, anti-GFA, and dissatisfied, yet you tremble at the thought of picking up a weapon! Your more suited for Sinn Fein than a member of IRA, Go practice your politics in a Goat Pasture!

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"