Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
Originally Posted By: TottiNotGotti
Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
I know in the 80s the IRA sent guys to NY and America to buy bulk weapons, I wondered if they approached any mob guys but it doesn't look like it. I am not surprised at all about alleged IRA links with Italy, some of these real IRA members are basically just gangsters.

They act like gangsters, but they have a legit reason, to get England out of their country. Still I see the IRA as a mafia type organization, but their core is still the same beliefs of a free Ireland.

You don't know what you are talking about though. I read your posts in the previous thread on the IRA.

Firstly, they generally don't behave like gangsters - even their recent stuff (which I don't agree with) isn't gangsterism. How many gangsters do you see taking on soldiers in their own barracks, killing two, for no personal gain?

Secondly, you strike me as someone willing to fight to the last drop of someone else's blood. Sad.

Totti, I don't like the English (which obviously you are), a free Ireland is something I believe in to my foundation. You don't like it, pull your imperial government out of our country.

Your beloved little England is getting what has been coming to it for hundreds of years. During y'all imperialistic time, you conquered and took over countless nations. Now that your on a rapid decline and turning into bottom of the barrel shit, you want peace. Peace is for the weak, which is what your country is becoming.

Over a hundred years, your government has hurt the people of Ireland, and now, it's time to reap what you sow. As long as people like me are around, people like you don't stand a chance. You already know that England's time in Ireland is coming down to the wire, all it will take is one final push to rid you and make the country pure again.

Shows what you know ya clown!

I'm something you don't know the first thing about - an Irish Republican.

England are more safe in Ireland just now than ever they were - the Unionist veto is preserved, they have established a new identity (Northern Irish) among young people, they have turned Republicans into British police and members of the British state apparatus, they have broken physical force Irish Republicanism - all the Yankee blowhards like yourself calling for a return to a war that no-one wants just now and that the few that do want are incapable of fighting arent going to change that.

As I said, you want to see the war return for your own bloodlust so you can post about it on a forum about American criminal - willing to fight to the last drop of someone else's blood.

You also said Republicans use gangster tactics - a malicious lie which shows te extent of your knowledge on the topic, eg fuck all.

Last edited by TottiNotGotti; 11/07/13 03:40 PM.