I agree the fbi would/does feed bs to reporters for stories like that. I think they do it to stir up information, get guys talking on wire taps, even if they're not going to get anything useable in court they could get confirmation on the going's on in that world by hearing guys gossip on the phone "oh did you see the article in the times that said guy a was doing this, that's total crap it's really guy b because of x, y and z"

I'm not a gambino expert but when I first read that artile of dellacroce trying to usurp carlo, like the rest of you I thought "what?". As others have researched (great work by everybody to) it is most likely nonsense. Although I do disagree with the notion that this lombardi would have been protected if he had just been carrying out orders. It wouldn't be out of the question, especially in a move that big, for the hitter to be killed if he failed. It's a way for the puppet masters to cover their tracks, and as punishment to the guy for screwing up.