i know that not many people respond to this subject but this has got to be most interesting and funny thing than anything going on anywhere else in north america. Im not even a citizen of toronto or canada but if your mayor is taking shout out pics with somali gangsters its not good let alone smoking weed or crack.
How one video dragged Rob Ford into the dangerous world of gangsters
Adrian Humphreys and Joseph Brean | 01/11/13 8:11 PM ET

Court handoutA photo of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford with alleged gang members was included in a police application for a search warrant.
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Last May, 10 minutes before U.S. gossip website Gawker reported Etobicoke crack dealers were shopping a fateful video, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford made a phone call.

CNN had apparently already called his office about the video. The Toronto Star was sitting on the same news. The greatest political crisis to befall Toronto in decades was about to blow open, and as it did, Mr. Ford acted. He called Sandro Lisi, his friend and occasional driver.

The call lasted just 40 seconds, according to police, but is significant primarily for what followed, as a tawdry tale of personal foibles mushroomed into a massive scandal that could bring down a mayor.

Lisi then started making calls of his own, which continued through the night and into the morning, until Mr. Ford called him back the next afternoon. Police records indicate Lisi contacted various people, including Fabio Basso, whose home police allege is a crack house, and Liban Siyad, whom police allege is a victim in this week’s extortion charge laid against Lisi.

That criminal charge followed a remarkable police surveillance operation on Lisi, whom police suspect of drug trafficking, and Mr. Ford, which documented their many phone calls and meetings, some involving sly transactions and often with Lisi trying to shake any suspected tail with evasive driving.

As the mayor’s senior staff variously quit or were fired in the early days of the scandal, Lisi quickly emerged as a central player in the mayor’s personal life. A suspected drug trafficker with underworld ties, who has convictions for threatening death, assault and harassment, Lisi is now free on bail as the city braces for the historic resolution of this episode, first described by the mayor himself as “ridiculous.”

In 44 days, Ford spoke with Lisi 349 times, according to police.

While Mr. Ford maintained close contact with Lisi throughout alleged attempts to resolve the video problem, he severed his ties with some who advocated a different approach. On May 23, Mark Towhey, the mayor’s chief-of-staff was fired and escorted out of city hall. A source said Mr. Towhey lost his job because he suggested to the mayor he seek help for a substance-abuse problem.

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Lisi had become so tight with the mayor in a short period of time that the 35-year-old Toronto man had the mayor’s staff puzzled, worried and watchful.

One former member of Mr. Ford’s staff, Nico Fidani, described Lisi to police as “the only close friend of the mayor.” Both Mr. Towhey and David Price, currently Mr. Ford’s director of operations and logistics, “have concerns about Lisi,” says a compendium of allegations and interviews gathered by police investigating Lisi and ordered released by the court.

“Towhey had told Price that he was concerned that someone was driving the mayor that did not work for the city. Towhey was also concerned because Lisi was the driver the night of the Garrison Ball,” the document says.

Peter J. Thompson/National PostAlexander "Sandro" Lisi leaves Toronto's Old City Hall Courthouse after being granted bail on charges of extortion.
It was at this year’s iteration of the annual military ball that media reports said Mr. Ford was asked to leave because he appeared intoxicated. Mr. Ford said it was an “outright lie.” That event, however, marked the first serious allegation of substance abuse interfering with Mr. Ford’s role in public office — and it was linked to Lisi.

Mr. Towhey asked Mr. Price to look into Lisi.

A source close to the mayor’s office confirms to the National Post that Mr. Ford’s circle of friends was worrisome.

“Office staff were indeed concerned about some of the company the mayor was keeping and had questions about these relationships,” said the source, who asked not to be named.

As the political scandal and various prosecutions of characters associated with the video develop, it is the figure of Lisi that seems to carry the outrageous headlines into the realm of significant and serious concern.

Lisi’s case lifts Mr. Ford’s spectacle from questions of judgment, personal weakness, perhaps of addiction and a seedy private life and dumps it squarely in the realm of violent criminality, suggesting broader lawlessness, such as obstruction of justice or destruction of evidence, alongside questions over potential vulnerability of the mayor’s office.

The police document seized the public’s attention when it was first released.

It spoke, for instance, of Lisi and the mayor meeting at a Husky gas station and Lisi hopping into Mr. Ford’s Cadillac Escalade carrying “a McDonald’s bag and a small white plastic bag… Shortly after this, Mayor Ford exits the driver’s seat of the Escalade, walks to the treed area where Lisi’s vehicle is parked, urinates and then returns to the driver’s seat of the Escalade,” the police report says.

On another occasion the pair spend time in a wooded area out of police view. Police found discarded empty vodka and juice bottles where they had been.

The pair meets again in a diner where they both look inebriated, the document says. “Mayor Ford appeared disheveled with a large sweat stain circling his stomach, sweating profusely from his forehead, his eyes were squinting as he walked, his suit jacket was wrinkled and he wore it without a tie. He was observed leaving with what appeared to be three Styrofoam food containers in bags.”

Toronto PoliceToronto Police released documents Nov. 1 that showed police surveillance of Mayor Rob Ford (L) and Alexander Lisi, Ford's friend and occasional driver.
The reaction to these revelations were predictable: The giddy joy and thunderous opprobrium from Ford opponents, the tight-lipped, grim look on Mr. Ford’s brother’s face, the clown headlines on the Toronto Sun, assurances of support by stalwarts of Ford Nation.

Mr. Ford became fodder for talk show host Jay Leno, who strained for laughs with the punch line: “Did you hear his excuse? He said it was medical crack for his crackoma.”

If the tacky details are cast as mere indiscretions by a rough-and-tumble guy already known for erratic behavior, the context of the investigation is important: The undercurrent of their interactions was concern that Lisi was selling the mayor marijuana or cocaine.

Lisi’s bail hearing, Friday, for a charge of extortion from alleged efforts to retrieve the video, helps bring the implications into focus.

Police allege Lisi also used threats or violence or menaces to get one of two men — including one identified by the Star as having tried to sell them the video — to hand over a video. Police allege the extortion occurred between May 16 and May 18, which coincides with when the crack video story broke.

It also provides a glimpse of why police might take such an interest in Lisi and his relationship with the mayor; why it might be concerning to have people with apparent ties to the underworld with ready city access, and why a personal story became public.

“There are an abundance of opportunities for a guy like him to compromise someone like the mayor. Eventually, he could be in the guy’s back pocket,” said a former senior law enforcement officer who has led major drug and organized crime probes.

“There are contracts big and small, there are favours of all kinds, if they were able to compromise him. The mere knowledge or witnessing of him using opens up to potential compromise. This guy could do all kinds of damage,” he said.

Ian Greene, is a professor emeritus in York University’s school of public policy and administration after years of work in Alberta’s public service. He has taught on Canadian public law, judicial administration, political ethics and public administration.

“He’s keeping company with criminal elements and that could put the whole city in danger, not only himself,” said Mr. Greene of Mr. Ford. “Criminal elements could think, ‘I’ve got a friend in public office, maybe I can take advantage of that for my personal gain.’”

Mr. Greene said the information unearthed about Mr. Ford’s private life and his relationship with Lisi is clearly in the public interest.

“In order to hold elected office, I think you have to be someone of good character, someone who is honest, somebody that you can trust, somebody who puts the public interest first rather than their personal interest. And you can often judge someone by the company that they keep.

“There’s a danger that if you’re hanging out with people who are involved in criminal activities, then you do risk being drawn into those activities and possibly blackmailed.”

While Mr. Ford said on Thursday he had not reason to resign, he is facing increasing calls for him to reconsider.