Originally Posted By: VitoC
When Tom goes to see Woltz in Part I, Woltz tells him that Johnny Fontaine made him look ridiculous, and that "...a man in my position cannot afford to be made to look ridiculous!!!"

Excuse me?!?! This is coming from a pedophile!!! To say that a person his age and his position of authority who has sex with girls who almost certainly wouldn't feel like they could say no looks "ridiculous" is the mildest thing that could be said.

Not only that, but as someone once argued (possibly on this forum), doesn't he also look ridiculous by not giving Johnny the part, rather than by giving it to him? He himself says that Johnny is perfect for the role, and he's the director--so giving the role to the person most suited for it would not only show he had good sense in choosing actors, but by enhancing the movie, would make him more money as well.

Woltz is in many ways the quintessential "powerful man". He's accustomed to getting whatever he wants, whenever he wants it. And judging by everything he has already, he's been getting his way for a long, long time.

Men like that, who live in an environment of perpetual privilege, tend to develop a number of moral and ethical blind spots. Over time, they eventually lose the ability to distinguish between their own interests, and what's best for all the people and projects that inhabit their world. That's what makes them so insufferable. Like Jack Woltz.

Last edited by Questadt; 11/01/13 11:06 PM.

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