Originally Posted By: NeimanMarxist
Originally Posted By: carmela
The only thing is, with gangs like the camorra, and even cosa nostra, those boys grow up on the streets of naples or in backward provinces of sicily like agrigento, there is no work. So even the mothers groom their sons to be good soldiers and work like their fathers. You're born into your family, which most likely already has mafia ties and connected. So it's either you renounce it and get an education and look for any remedial job, sit on unemployment for years, or are lucky enough to get work, or you stick to your mob ties.
On the streets of those cities, you either eat or you're eaten.
But in the US, there is absolutely no reason for anyone to be involved, or actively try and join mafia.

And they're all part of a gang. Hence the word "gangsters". Some just more organized than others.

What, we don't have poverty in the United States?

I'm fairly certain that Carmela was referencing the mindset more than the economics. It's just different over there, and unless you've seen it firsthand you probably can't fully understand it.

They drill it into your head from birth over there. If you're a boy, they start grooming you from childhood. If you're a girl, they teach you early on to be dutiful and to support the men in your life (and by extension, to support the local cosca as well). Simple as that.

In America there are plenty of economic reasons to turn to crime, but not nearly as many cultural reasons. And I think that's what Carmela was trying to convey.

And welcome to the boards, Neiman Marxist smile.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.