Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Originally Posted By: jonnynonos
Originally Posted By: GaryMartin
Johnny - I've read several articles about Cain and his ability to play both sides of the fence. I was not aware that he was really smart. I would think that someone with his intelligence might want to think twice about doing "double duty" with The Outfit.

Most of the articles I read were related to Family Secrets. Another name that surfaced, and was supposedly very smart, was Donald Angelini. According to several FBI agents he was also a really nice guy. A couple of the agents said they hated to arrest him because he was so nice. If I remember correctly, he and another fellow named Cortina were gambling experts. Only read a little about the guys.

When I get bored I go back and read more about Family Secrets. I always learn something new.

His brother wrote this book called The Tangled Web. Someone gave it to me. I am not interested enough to read the whole thing. But, yeah, I do remember that bit about his IQ being tested at 120. That's well above average and probably enough to get one into MENSA or something like that but I guess he went around telling everyone he was a genius, and that is not nearly "genius."

Anyway, yeah, he wasn't smart enough not to end up getting blasted at Rose's Sandwich Shop.

I have read that the killers of Cain apparantly wore one black glove and one white glove. Any thoughts of why the did that? Any symbolism in that? Or is that a bullshit story?

Never heard that. It's one of those crimes where everyone from Aleman to Lombardo to Shweihs has been fingered. (Who knows, it could have been all of them.)

From what I remember 2 guys broke into Rose's Sandwich Shop on near Grand and made everyone in the place line up against the wall, pretending it was a robbery. They were wearing ski masks.

They blew Cain away and left.

I can't remember the theories as to exactly why. I'll probably get around to reading that book some day.

That shop is now another business; I often wonder if the owners know what happened there.

It was near the near Spilotro's dad's restaurant on Grand and Ogden.