Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
Not really creepy or strange, but a few might recall that I have posted in here that I have a serious phobia of snakes. Yesterday we were in town as a family (kids on a half term break from school) and we ended up in a local museum with a creepy crawly exhibition going on for Halloween. Yes there were snakes and after much hesitation I touched one and then held one. It was a python of some variety and I was much pleased that it didn't try to strangle me. Talk about conquering your fears. I was very proud of myself and the plus point was that my underwear wasn't totally ruined. Some of those brown stains will come out in the wash my wife says tongue

At least you have a normal fear, I have a fear of hills,the ones that come from mother nature that are attach to the earth. It's just a weird fear a got a few years ago. Besides that I'm not the biggest fan when it comes to animals they terrify me I always think their going to kill me.

If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone.
~ Michael Corlelone