Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
".. executed 22 years ago. I did my best to defend him. I had very little evidence. Somehow I always knew he would .."

Come back and torment me. I can only pray that..........


Great stories. AND, I too in recent years have experienced sleep paralysis and it is scary as hell. panic I didn't know what was happening the firs time. I did research and find it is not uncommon.


It's supposed to happen when you're seriously stressed or haven't slept enough. The worst time i had it was my 18th birthday me n my friends stupidly stayed up nearly 3 days partying, the rest of the night i went from sleep parlysis to actually sleeping. During the sleep parlysis i, constantly heard dogs barking and imagined my worst fear spiders crawling over me uhwhat . The moral of this story is don't stay up for 3 days straight lol