Man, just came on here after a while and man this is an interesting post.

To start with, I find it really strange that because Saddam or whoever is "anti-American", is one of his cons? I mean seriously, what does American even mean any more. Freedom? Free Speech? Justice? Bullshit. It doesn't have a meaning any more, considering your freedom involves weapons, soldiers, incredible military spending, and a total unacceptance of anyone giving their statement on your country, your free speech is saying that an American man speaking his opinion in an interesting way is fat + anti-American, and your justice is all those things put into a big free package. You can't kid yourself anymore, there are so many things that is wrong with what is going on, go anywhere, politically, environmentally, human rights... your own people have been killed, thousands of others have been killed, in a war in which the main reason was "misinformed." But that doesn't matter, you got the power-hungry dictator who was an anti-American threat. Good for you. There were no WMD but there could have been. And if there were WMD, a man who is so into violence and war would've been fucking dangerous with a nuke or two. It's not like the USA has any nukes, and it's leader sure is peaceful and smart-thinking. I feel just as uneasy with a USA with nukes as an Iraq with nukes, a North Korea with nukes. And that brings me to the environmental side of it. You can say we don't need the forests, the oceans, whatever. But we need a habitat. We really need a habitat, one world, and the fact that there are weapons in existance that can even destroy a city, let alone a continent or whatever, is a pretty scary thing for this. These are weapons made for WAR, for MASS DESTRUCTION. But thank god someone like GWB has those nukes. I'm sure we can rest easy at night, after all, he's not into war at all.

You probably won't see my point here. I mean, I don't particularly like Kerry, but he'd be better than George. I like Ralph Nader, there's a man with free speech and a whole lot of enemies. I mean shit, don't even bother with the anti-American thing anymore, cos the rest of the world is just that.

I'm tired, so I probably wrote some stuff that makes no sense, but yeah there we go.


Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last river has been poisioned
Only after the last fish has been caught

Then you will find that money cannot be eaten.