Good Stuff. I get annoyed that government blacks out so many things in their "released" documents.

The name that keeps coming up that gets blacked out has to be vito genovese, right? There are names blacked out in various points where it only makes sense that it's him given the other people in the document. I don't know why his name would be blacked out though.

Albert got killed because Genovese was trying to consolidate his power on the commison and anastasia was a wild man and a costello loyalist (as far as i know). There's also the issue of scalise and ansastasia selling buttons. It seems like after Albert went and Gambino took over, Tony A was worried that they were going to whack him to take over the waterfront and bring those unions under tony pro. If I'm wrong let me know, that's just what I gleened from the document

Last edited by littlemango; 10/20/13 10:10 PM.