there hitting people just as hard as they do the domincans with the herion in most states up here in mass there put oxycodone and contin in the same class a as herion and other strong ass opiates some of these white kids have know idea when they pick 100 or 200 to make a 2 dollar profit on each pill how much time you get until its all over. a kid I know guy pinched with 30 of the blues they want a 3 to 5 state prison first bid. harsh. shit you buy 100 blue 30% for 16 bucks give it to the next guy at 19 to make 300$, you do it 2or3 times you trafficked like over 10000milligrams of the shit no way not worth it. it was nice 10yrs ago when you could buy a friends back problems purscription and make a quick couple dollars not anymore.