Age Stats:

Overall Age: 61.45

Bonanno: 59.86
Colombo: 63.3
Gambino: 60.91
Genovese: 67.23
Lucchese: 59.95

Who is going to get the most guys back on the street within...

1 year: Bonanno (8)
2 years: Bonanno (10)
3 years: Gambino (12)
4 years: Gambino (15)
5 to 10 years: Gambino (24)

The following is based on members with a release date potentially putting them back on the streets at less than 76 years of age, the average life expectancy for American males.

The Bonannos can realistically expect 17 of these guys to make it back to the streets at an average age of 60.12

The Colombos can potentially get 9 back with an average age of 57.11.

The Gambinos can potentially get 23 back with an average age of 59.7.

The Genovese can potentially get 4 back at an average age of 60.3.

The Lucchese can potentially expect 11 to get back at an average age of 58.55.

"Snakes... Snakes... I don't know no Snakes."