Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Funny Paul never enforced the rules when it came to those 2 guys. No way Castellano could of claimed he didn't know what they were doing. He would of been one of the only people alive that didn't and you know he was getting some thick envelopes from his 2 favorite dope dealers.

The 'rule' was dont get caught.

A blind eye was turned, but there were consequences if caught.
Paul would've known, but they were never caught.

Devils in the details.

I understand what your saying Sonny...but I'm pretty sure that in 1980 Gambino was charged in Italy for heroin trafficking. For some reason the US Government refused to extradite him to italy...maybe because he was an American citizen but i'm not sure that was the reason. In absentia Gambino was found guilty and sentenced to 6 years.

When Gambino was released from prison in 2005 or 06 the italians again asked for him to be extradited to serve the time he was sentenced to in italy for that 1980(?) conviction but Gambino fought the extradition in court and won because the courts here ruled he already served time here for the same charges that covered his drug dealing from the 1970's until he was arrested in either the late 1980's or early 90's.

I guess Paul could of said either that he never knew about the case in italy or it was a kangaroo court.

But i just don't see anyway Paul could of said he never knew Gambino was a large scale international heroin dealer with a straight face.
Carlo Gambino was never an American citizen. He came here illegally and successfully fought off attempts to deport him right up to the day he died. Supposedly ,a highly placed Government official received $25,000 a year for life in exchange for helping stay various deportation orders.