Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles

I think first of all, forget about the "Blue collar faction v the White collar faction". The Gambinos were not divided that way. I have no idea why the split was categorized in this way in the first place because both the factions had members involved with both blue collar crimes and white collar crimes.

Good stuff Hairy..thanks.

Paul had 2 large scale dope dealers with him, Patsy Conte and John Gambino. Probably even more then that. I don't think being a heroin dealer is considered to be a white collar crime. Funny Paul never enforced the rules when it came to those 2 guys. No way Castellano could of claimed he didn't know what they were doing. He would of been one of the only people alive that didn't and you know he was getting some thick envelopes from his 2 favorite dope dealers.