Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Ironically, Gaspipe was one of the people Gotti and Da Bull consulted before the Castellano hit. Gaspipe agreed. But, Chin recruited him to carry out the attempt on Gotti that killed DiCicco instead.

There's a different viewpoint from Philip Carlo's biography of Anthony Casso. Casso claims to have been against Paul's murder from the beginning. I find Casso's stories to be exaggerated and he's a self promoter, so who knows which version is more accurate?

According to the biography, Frank DeCicco and Gaspipe were from the same neighborhood and had known each other all their lives. Frank met with Gaspipe in Brooklyn at the 19th Hole (Casso's bar), in December 1985, and had a walk talk around Dyker Park. DeCicco told Gaspipe about Gotti's planned hit on Paul. Gaspipe was appalled as it was against the commission rules and he tried his best to change DeCicco's mind.

Gaspipe warned him and said, "The Chin and Vic won't sit down for this. We're gonna have to come after John...not only John, but everyone involved in this, including you.......I love you like a brother, but if you tie your wagon to this, you'll be dead within a year."

As predicted, DeCicco had a contract put on his head. And 4 months after Castellano was whacked, DeCicco was killed in the bombing....which was planned by Casso.

When Casso was interviewed about the Castellano hit, he said, "What John Gotti did, was the beginning of the end of our thing."

You shit-kicking, stinky, horse-manure-smelling motherfucker you! If you ever get out of line over there again, I'll smash your fucking head so hard you won't be able to get that cowboy hat on. You hear me? Fucking hick. -Nicky (Casino)