I never thought I would be posting on here.. but happened to stumble on this post and just thought it was time I comment. My father was also Jimmy Napoli and for parts of my life he was in jail. He was an amazing man, a real Gentleman Jim. If you met him you would just want to sit in his presence as he was quiet but when he had something to say he was profound and smarter than anyone I know. He was generous to everyone including the homeless and helped out many people's children go to college. He was offered millions to have his life story written and he turned it down. Unfortunately when he passed away family changed and people just wanted to ride of his coat tails. My father was the giving tree and that is what his son's book shows. I do not agree with the book but I do think the history of the mob is interesting and is "History" to be told and shared. I just feel my father would have expected more from his family. I feel I have a lot of my father in me and that is why I have not spoke all this time. My father was the real deal and I have not met anyone like him. He was a brilliant man and the last of the Gentlemen Gents.