Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Originally Posted By: azguy
Know doubt, he had the greatest run of any LCN boss, whether it be 22 month or 4 days.

I'm very interested in learning more about his time spent in Mass and how he got to NY...

Is there any comprehensive book written on his life..??

No doubt Gambino had a very successful career in his chosen occupation. lol A very shrewd and smart guy.

"12-8-30 Brockton, Mass. Larceny (handkerchief and pill game)"

What the hell is a "pill game"??
Only a guess,but it might be similar to the Bolita game in which numbered balls are put into a sack which is tied shut. The sack is tossed to another person,and when he grabs it,he holds on to one of the balls. The sack is opened,the balls are dumped out,and whichever ball the person is still holding is the winning number.Maybe one version was played with a hanky and numbered pills like the ones used in pool games.