Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Originally Posted By: SgWaue86
I don't understand why its ok to push the gay agenda on people but when someone has a frim belief in the lord and adresses it he an ass-hole and is trying to "shove his beliefs down our throats". All of you pro-gays are hippocrates and are doing the same shit.

This thread isn't about that so take it somewhere else

SgW -- we all know you are in the closet, and frankly don't care.

Good job, even if I am it still doesnt change the fact that gays and bible thumpers been jaming there beliefs down peoples throats for awhile now, and if you disagree with them then your a Satanist or gay basher and thats getting old. Now my statement shows I've tryed to be open minded and look at both sides of thr fence but sucking d*** and believing in a higher power are just different IMHO, and I really don't care I'm just sick of reading that if you you don't approve of the gay lifestyle, then your a bigot, in da closest, or just an ass-hole. That's bullshit