Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
We should get back to the topic at hand. I concur with faithful, ivy is many things and I don't agree with him on many subjects but one thing I don't consider him is a racist. Lets move on and get back to the topic at hand

The really ironic part is, the thread began about immigrant Muslims taking over Europe. I don't know what religion the guy in the video is below, but he's obviously an immigrant. And immigrants are fine. But this piece of shit - and many like him - think they can come immigrate to another country and act like this without any worry of serious punishment or repercussion. And they're often right because the liberal, PC-driven mindset coddles them and overlooks this stuff because they're so concerned with not coming across as "racist." Their priorities, and what really pisses them off, are totally back-asswards.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 10/11/13 02:19 AM.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.