Sorry. Your analogy misses the mark again. When you say Citizens United is presently law and Obama and I continue to criticize it, that's fine. Every decision should be subject to thoughtful critique. But neither I or Obama did anything to subvert or prevent the application of the law. Respecting (though not agreeing with) the law, Obama proceeded with his campaign with the full effect of Citizens United, and handily won reelection.

Similarly, Boehner is free to criticize ACA, but it is the law of the land. There are proper means to repeal the law, and they have failed. By subverting the Act through the insidious means of refusing to fund it (which Congeress is obligated to do by its passage) Congress is undermining the rule of law.

And by the way the whining about bulldozing the legislation and ignoring precedent and procedure is baseless and insipid. Even Boehner doesn't resort to that level of ridiculousness.