Originally Posted By: Antonio
Originally Posted By: ThePolakVet
Nazi's have beef with everyone who's not Slavic, some groups even go so far that they only accept Russians and no-one else. But mostly they're just against the Middle Asian ones.

I have a question, can you name some Russian criminal groups in the US today, say similar to that of the Five families or the Albanian Rudaj organization.

I know that the brigade made by Vyacheslav Ivankov in USA still runs in New York and also bases itself there. They're also present in Russia.
The guy that I met in prison, who was doing time in America, he stated that from all major groups of Moscow like Solnetsevskaya or Izmailovskaya, their brigades are operating also in USA.
Don't know other group names, I know there are a lot of them tough, mostly small brigades, and then bigger organizations. As my prison friend stated, all Russian criminals in USA aren't into small things, when they do time, they're doing for big and serious stuff, that's why in prison they're very well respected by everyone else.
Originally Posted By: Big_J_86
Is it possible to say which Russian OC (Organized Crime) group is the most powerful one right now? I would think it would be between the Solntsevskaya Bratva and the Semion Mogilevich organization. Maybe I am wrong though.

I think it is Solntsevskaya, they got really good cover, rumors say they're under FSB's and government's protection even. Mogilevich is a powerful figure, but all I know about his criminal connections is that he was with Lyubertskaya group. Maybe he has his own, but I haven't heard anything about it yet.