Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: Faithful1
[quote=klydon1]Slavery was law at one time too, with several Democrat presidents defending it. Justices also came out with decisions like Dred Scott. The ACA was Justice Roberts' Dred Scott decision. He "deemed" it Constitutional although there was clearly nothing Constitutional about it. Justice Kennedy saw through that facade.

I join ronnie and lilo in finding that this analogy is baseless, misplaced and silly. In fact, relying on Scott v. Sandford as justification for Boehner's actions contradicts your premise. First, Scott was a judicial decision overturning an Act of Congress whereas the ACA was a legislative enactment signed into law. Scott was overturned through the constitutional process by the enactment of the XIV Amendment. In the present matter Boehner is evading the statutory process to undermine a valid law by withholding funding for the federal government.

There are benefits and problems with ACA as well as voluminous misinformation about it. It will likely need to be revisted, amended and reconfigured in the coming years as it is put into practice. But by stonewalling to create a government shutdown, Boehner is trying to do through illegitimate means what he wasn't able to do through legitimate means.

Dred Scott is an example of a bad SCOTUS decision. That was the extent of the point and the analogy wasn't intended to be an exact fit at every angle. The point, once again, is that just because the SCOTUS decided something doesn't make it good or right, either morally or in the best interest of the American people. Justice Roberts' decision of the ACA was a bad decision and in the worst interest of the American people.

Yes, the ACA was a legislative decision signed into law. True. It was also the most partisan legislation in recent, possibly all of American history. Not a single Republican voted for it. The Democrats bulldozed it through and ignored precedence and standard procedures. In the next election the Democrats lost the House and the GOP owes nothing to the bad legislation the Dems manufactured. Congresspersons are elected by their constituents and are responsible to their districts. The owe no allegiance to the Senate or the White House. The Dems acted like bullies when they passed the ACA so now the chickens have come home to roost.

BY the way, the Citizens United case is just as much federal law via SCOTUS as the ACA is, yet you and Obama continue to criticize it, BUT IT'S THE LAW! LOL